Kick Those Kids Out, To Experience The World


Home is a safe place and there is comfort in staying close to home, but it is my opinion that it creates a false sense of security.  I lived the life of the comforts of home for 40 years before I got a taste of adventure.  In the summer of my 40th year I took the plunge to travel to live in a place I knew nothing about.  I had to experience life anew finding a new home in the beautiful land of Colorado.  It was an eye opening experience that looking back I wish I would have taken long before.  The spirit of adventure now is alive in me and I know I can go anywhere and create a life for myself.

As excited as I was for my adventure and the craving it puts in my belly to experience a new location.  The part I am most exited about is the fact that my two sons have tasted this adventure too.  They are not afraid to venturing out and experiencing the world.  I am so excited to see where the adventure takes them, it so thrills my soul.  But as I look to see so many or my friends that never even left the town that I grew up in and now their kids are doing the same thing repeating the cycle.  Now don’t get me wrong their is nothing wrong with the little spot in Indiana I grew up in but if you never venture out of it you never know what is possible.

My suggestion for parents is to kick those kids out for adventure.  Give them the freedom to live on their own in another city or better yet another state or country.  We often heard long ago of people backpacking across Europe to find themselves and I wish I had done that now.  Now in kicking your kids out I am not saying forever, and you always have your doors open for them to return.  By doing this you allow your child to see if they have the adventure in them.   IF not then they come back to the safety of their little slice of home then that is okay.  But now they at least know the lay of the land outside of the safety net.